Dr. Timothy Keller,
Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NY

Dr. Gerald Turner,
President of Southern Methodist University

Honarable Don Evans,
Former Secretary of Commerce

Brad McCoy,
Former high school coach, Father of Colt McCoy

Avery Johnson,
Former head coach of the Dallas Mavericks

Dr. Ken Blanchard,
Author of “One Minute Manager”

Truitt Cathey,
Founder and chairman of Chic-Fil-A

Sen. John Cornyn,
Senator, State of Texas

Terdema Ussery,
President of Basketball Operations of the Dallas Mavericks

J.C. Watts,
Former U.S Congressman, State of Oklahoma

Gene Stallings,
Former head football coach at University of Alabama

Eric Metaxas

Author of  Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy